Toutes les fonctionnalités pour réussir son arbre généalogique

Genealogical tree over several generations

Genealogical tree over several generations

View up to 6 generations at a glance including on a mobile phone.

Display the picture of an individual instead of his pictogram

Easily identify your ancestors with their pictogram . Their position is revealed by hovering or clicking on it.

Genealogical wheel over several generations

Genealogical wheel over several generations

View up to 5 generations of ancestry simultaneously with the pedigree wheel.

Names and dates fit shapes for better rendering. The map is clickable for easy navigation.

Additional individual details are provided upon click to avoid useless navigation.

Style can be customized.

Turn family pictures into a family tree

Turn family pictures into a family tree

In black and white, or in color, recent or old, digital or damaged, your family photos are invaluable resources for your family tree. Turn your family photos into a family tree in moments.

Store your photos and let the application detect faces.

Associate faces with individuals in your family tree and build an appealing family tree with less effort.

Data quality

Data quality

Improve data accuracy thanks to our realtime analyzer on major events.

Identify missing or erroneous information at a glance.

Drilldown to information for immediate action *.

Always realtime statistics **.

Smart search

Smart search

Search for individuals by name given name timeframe location **.

Search for alike name *.

Use wildcards *.

Search nearby locations *.

Timeline view

Timeline view

Display individual events as a timeline.

Enrich timeline with major historical events for contextualization.

Historical events are randomly selected based on timeframe and location **.

Add extra events based on your own researches or findings *

Task management

Task management*

Gérez efficacement vos travaux grâce à la gestion de tâche intégrée

Retrouvez facilement vos notes grâce à un espace dédié

Organisez votre travail en planifiant vos tâches

Organisez vos tâches par catégorie et visualisez-les rapidement grâce à leur code couleur



Découvrez en un clin d'oeil les statistiques de votre arbre généalogique

Rendez votre travail intéressant grâce à des synthèses pertinentes et ludiques

* : Requires subscription
** : Feature is limited for basic plan
items match your criteria.

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